Advocacy: We advocate for systems change on behalf of and together with people with disabilities in Washington state.
Collaboration: We partner with state agencies, nonprofits and community members to improve the lives of people with disabilities.
Planning: We draft a three-year State Plan for Independent Living (called the SPIL) to address the needs of people with disabilities in our state and monitor its implementation. The SPIL provides federal funding for services in Washington state.
Education: We provide resources on disability, accessibility and inclusion and share our expertise as people with lived experience having disabilities.
WASILC and the Centers for Independent Living (called CILs) are equal partners and collaborators in the Independent Living Movement. We work together to champion people with disabilities in Washington state. The CILs also provide direct services to people with disabilities in communities across the state.
Mission: The Washington State Independent Living Council promotes a statewide network supporting the Independent Living Philosophy for people with disabilities through advocacy, education, planning and collaboration.
Vision: We envision a world where people with disabilities exercise equal rights and participate fully in all aspects of society.
Core values: Choice, Self-Sufficiency, Independence, Voice, Equal Opportunity, Self-Determination, Equal Access, Consumer Control, Self-Direction, Cross-Disability, Self-Advocacy, Respect and Honesty