Join a WASILC Committee

Learn more about WASILC's committees

State Plan for Independent Living (SPIL) Committee: Meets 3rd Wednesday of the month.
Responsible for regular monitoring of the State Plan for Independent Living goals. This will include working with IL Network to collect data, track progress, and address applicable issues. The committee will report any recommendations for revisions and amendments to WASILC. The Committee will comply with the Rehabilitation Act Title VII, Chapter 1, subchapter A, Section 704. State Plan. The committee includes people with disabilities, advocates, and stakeholders from across the state.

Legislative and Policy Sub Committee: Meets 1st Friday of the month.
Responsible for educating and advocating within the Council, Legislators, and public and private entities in legislative and policy matters that affect people with disabilities and the IL Philosophy. The WASILC supports initiatives and legislation that strengthens IL Philosophy per the Rehabilitation Act.  The committee includes people with disabilities, advocates, and stakeholders from across the state.

Youth and Young Adult Sub Committee: Meets 3rd Tuesday of the month.
Provides youth and young adult voice to Council, disability community, and stakeholders in order to raise public awareness of youth and young adult Independent Living issues and the IL Philosophy. The committee includes people with disabilities, advocates, and stakeholders from across the state.

Outreach and Education Sub Committee: Meets 3rd Tuesday of the month.
Responsible for educating and advocating for the Independent Living Philosophy, Independent Living Network, and the State Plan for Independent Living through its outreach efforts.

Are you ready to apply. Click on the link below!

Apply to Serve

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a committee/sub-committee?

  • All Committees will be established with purpose, members, and duties. WASILC Executive Committee will assign the chairperson to each committee/sub-committee and Ad hoc committee from the WASILC membership. Members provide their knowledge, lived experience, and ideas with a disability perspective through the Independent Living Philosophy lens.

What qualifications do I need to have to be appointed on a committee/sub-committee?

  • WASILC strives for a broad range of individuals with geographic, disability, ethnic, gender, and advocacy diversity. We value lived experience, cultural diversity, and disability ally voice.
  • You believe in the vision of a world where people with disabilities can exercise their rights and participate fully in all aspects of society.

When are committee appointments made?

  • Once your application is submitted, the Executive Committee will review and make a decision and WASILC staff will reach out to you.
  • Executive Committee reviews applications at least once a quarter.

Do I have to be on the council to serve on a committee?

  • All committees except the Executive Committee may have outside stakeholders on the committee. Non-council members must be appointed to the committee by the WASILC Executive Committee.

What is the time commitment to serve on a committee? How long is the term once appointed?

  • All committees except ad hoc committees meet on a monthly basis to conduct business and further WASILCs mission. Serving on any WASILC committee will also involve some time commitment outside of scheduled meetings.
  • Terms are unlimited at this point
  • There is an expectation that you participate in committee meetings by: attending meetings, engagement (we want your input), follow through with tasks.

Is there compensation for serving on a committee?

  • Not at this time. WASILC does pay for accommodations that pertain committee functions.
  • WASILC is working on developing policy and procedures to compensate committee members for their labor who participate in our committees/subcommittees.

You can write, record, or film your answers. (There is no length requirement.)

Any additional questions, please reach out to staff at

Committee Application Process

To apply, click the "Apply to Serve" button above. Download or Print the application to PDF - Adobe has a fill in tool to complete this form. Or you can print it, fill it out and send it through email. If accommodations are needed to complete this application please contact staff at

Once you have filled out the application and sent it in, the Executive Committee will review and appoint members to committees. WASILC staff will reach out to you once the process is completed.

Committees will work in conjunction with the Executive Director or staff designated by the Executive Director. The Executive Director will provide expertise and support to the committees.