Washington State Independent Living Council (WASILC) is a Governor appointed Council that works to empower disability communities through advocacy, education, planning, and collaboration. WASILC strives to achieve positive and effective solutions by promoting the Independent Living Philosophy.
The Coalition on Inclusive Emergency Planning (CIEP) is a statewide disability advisory group that provides technical advice on physical and programmatic accesses and effective communication strategies.
CILS provide services and advocacy by and for persons with all types of disabilities. Their goal is to assist individuals with disabilities to achieve their maximum potential within their families and communities to achieve and maintain independent living.
WASILC staff and council work to compile a comprehensive list of resources for persons with all types of disabilities. Follow the link below to learn more about available resources in Washington State.
Independent Living (IL) is a philosophy and a movement of people with disabilities who work for self-determination, equal opportunities and self-respect. IL for people with disabilities means being able to live in the way you choose, with people you choose, and in the community of your choice. It means having choices about who helps you and the ways they help. It is about having control over your day to day life.
The commitment, vision, skills and abilities of our council members are the basis of success for the Washington State Independent Living Council. We encourage you to attend a quarterly meeting, to contact our staff, or arrange a meeting with a Council member.