How well you prepare and how much you practice before a disaster will determine how successful you can recover from any event. Prepare yourself based on the capabilities and limitations you believe you will have after a catastrophic disaster. Also keep in mind that your usual ways of support and assistance such as interpreters and personal assistants may not be available for some time during an evacuation and immediately after the disaster has occurred. It’s important for everyone to a have a personalized disaster plan.
The Coalition on Inclusive Emergency Planning (CIEP) is a statewide, cross-disability, advisory group that works with state and local emergency management and public health stakeholders to build accessibility and inclusion for people with disabilities and other marginalized populations into all aspects of emergency management. The Coalition provides technical advice on physical and programmatic access, effective communication, and fosters working relationships among emergency managers. The members are local subject matter experts who can advise on inclusive access and functional needs (AFN) practices using the CMIST (Communications, Maintaining Health, Independence, Self-Determination, and Transportation) as well as technical training in all aspects of the Americans with Disabilities Act and other federal and state disability rights laws as applicable to emergency management services.
Participation in CIEP is open to all organizations and individuals interested in fostering the vision on disability inclusion in emergency preparedness and response and recovery, by actively engaging in the work of the Coalition. CIEP stands up before, during, and after disasters to help identify AFN best practices and remedy gaps in collaboration with state and local emergency management. CIEP is funded by a grant from the WA Department of Health Executive Office of Resiliency and Health Security. To receive news, meeting notices, and announcements, sign up to be on the CIEP email list.
Browse the resources we have compiled below and contact us to be connected to your local Center for Independent Living in Washington State, so you can start working on your Emergency Preparedness Independent Living Goals.
If you have questions about the Coalition and its mission please contact Jim House, Disability Integration Manager.