Washington Statewide Independent Living Council (WASILC) 

WASILC envisions a world where all people with disabilities exercise equal rights and participate in all aspects of society.

Learn More

Who We Are

The Washington Statewide Independent Living Council is an advocacy and education organization. We are a governor-appointed council made up of volunteers supported by a small staff team. WASILC works on behalf of people with disabilities across the state and tribal lands to champion equity and accessibility in Washington.

Our History

Coalition on Inclusive Emergency Planning (CIEP)

CIEP is a statewide group, led by WASILC, that advises on how to help people with disabilities prepare for and respond to emergencies.

The Center for Independent Living (CIL) Network

WASILC is a partner alongside the statewide network of community-based nonprofits that are providing services free for people with disabilities in Washington state. These non-governmental, non-residential centers (known as CILs) are places where people can find the resources they need in a welcoming and empowering setting.

Resources for You

We are a hub for resources for people with all types of disabilities, their caregivers and disability advocates in Washington state.

What is the Independent Living Philosophy?

The Independent Living Philosophy believes people with disabilities should have the choice to live as independently as they choose and be able to thrive as important members of our community. WASILC is guided by the belief that people with disabilities should be allowed to make their own decisions about their lives and feel empowered to do so.

Get Involved in WASILC 

Become a council member, join a committee, attend a quarterly meeting or sign up for updates.